Thanks ladies and gents for being together with me for almost a year now, am getting impresed when seeing people contacting me much that shows that people will invest much in agriculture sector that will help much to improve our agriculture.
I have also get a statistic on which crops wich people have shown an interest and promise to write more on those crops as well as writing a book which will help famers to get much knowledge on those crops.
Today i have come with new topic which am sure will help all people who wants to invest to agriculture even those people who have invest in agriculture but failed due to luck of some i will show things to consider before you drag your self in agriculture avoid loss and capital death BE WITH ME
CAPITAL, agriculture is like other business without capital am sure you cant rich were you want, this will be money which will help to pay workers, buy seeds and chemicals together with fertilzers. because when you start it doesnt make sance you end up without finishing due to lack of enough money
AREA FOR INVESTIMENT,Also this is so important you must have an area which is sufficient enough for your activities an area which doesnt have much pest attack, history of diseases, infetility and which cant be distructed with other human acitivities,also area which can be reached easly with customers when they want to visit your farm.
SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE,This is much important because you cant produce what you dont know, you must have enough knowledge knowing which deasese always attack the certain kind of crop or livestock you want to keep and also to know how to face it.also this will help you to estimate how much you will use in whole project. without knowledge nothing will be done, this doesnt mean if you know nothing about agriculture you cant envest but you can find same one who knows much on that field work with them am sure you will manage.
MARKET,This is so important because many people fail alot because they produce much by high cost but they dont surely know where they can sell their products.before you start production you must do enough survey on how you will distribute your products who will be your customers and how much will your products be sold this will also help you to know and estimate how much you will obtain in all project.
CHALLENGES, You must ask for the history to people who have work on that field ask them which challenges ussualy face that crop or livestock you want to keep. this will help you to be aware and prepared to any challenge wich will exist later because you have already being aware of them.
this alrtical has been short but am sure when you will consider those things you will see the benefits their alot of things to consider but i cant mantion them all because am we wont finish.
for fathar knowldge and things to share dont stop to comminicate with me through my contacts on top of the blog.
be with me for the next artical
I have also get a statistic on which crops wich people have shown an interest and promise to write more on those crops as well as writing a book which will help famers to get much knowledge on those crops.
Today i have come with new topic which am sure will help all people who wants to invest to agriculture even those people who have invest in agriculture but failed due to luck of some i will show things to consider before you drag your self in agriculture avoid loss and capital death BE WITH ME
CAPITAL, agriculture is like other business without capital am sure you cant rich were you want, this will be money which will help to pay workers, buy seeds and chemicals together with fertilzers. because when you start it doesnt make sance you end up without finishing due to lack of enough money
AREA FOR INVESTIMENT,Also this is so important you must have an area which is sufficient enough for your activities an area which doesnt have much pest attack, history of diseases, infetility and which cant be distructed with other human acitivities,also area which can be reached easly with customers when they want to visit your farm.
SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE,This is much important because you cant produce what you dont know, you must have enough knowledge knowing which deasese always attack the certain kind of crop or livestock you want to keep and also to know how to face it.also this will help you to estimate how much you will use in whole project. without knowledge nothing will be done, this doesnt mean if you know nothing about agriculture you cant envest but you can find same one who knows much on that field work with them am sure you will manage.
MARKET,This is so important because many people fail alot because they produce much by high cost but they dont surely know where they can sell their products.before you start production you must do enough survey on how you will distribute your products who will be your customers and how much will your products be sold this will also help you to know and estimate how much you will obtain in all project.
CHALLENGES, You must ask for the history to people who have work on that field ask them which challenges ussualy face that crop or livestock you want to keep. this will help you to be aware and prepared to any challenge wich will exist later because you have already being aware of them.
this alrtical has been short but am sure when you will consider those things you will see the benefits their alot of things to consider but i cant mantion them all because am we wont finish.
for fathar knowldge and things to share dont stop to comminicate with me through my contacts on top of the blog.
be with me for the next artical