Thanks lady's and gents for being with me all the days from when we started till now.,
i have decided to use English to day because i would like this post to be readed and understood word wide.
here in tanzania we say agriculture is the back bone of our country even though am very desappointed to see it doesnt contribute even half percent of all national income.
we have enough land, which is much fertile but we dont use it effectively.
always i hear people complaining that there is employment scarce while there are all resources which facilitate farming activities.
here people have got very very bad thoughts that farmers are always poor and law classed people while in other developed countries farmers are the richest people.
the problem is that many people doesnt want to think far they just think inside the box which is very wrong.
am also the witness that many people have come richest people in our country and other richest people have drag them them selves in agriculture.
as our country policy says that this is the country of industries so industries need enough law materials for them to process and all those law materias can be be inceased by agriculture sector.
i have seen many people and companies shifting from there countries and coming here just to envest in agricultutre sector because there is an oppotuinty.
i would also taje this chance to incouladge ma fellow youth that they should drag them selves in agriculture am sure they wonyt reglate.
also i would like to take this cahnce to welcome other compones and people from different countries to come and envest too.
still more effort is needed to improve agriculture sector in our country to improve standard of life for many tanzanians families..
i have decided to use English to day because i would like this post to be readed and understood word wide.
here in tanzania we say agriculture is the back bone of our country even though am very desappointed to see it doesnt contribute even half percent of all national income.
we have enough land, which is much fertile but we dont use it effectively.
always i hear people complaining that there is employment scarce while there are all resources which facilitate farming activities.
here people have got very very bad thoughts that farmers are always poor and law classed people while in other developed countries farmers are the richest people.
the problem is that many people doesnt want to think far they just think inside the box which is very wrong.
am also the witness that many people have come richest people in our country and other richest people have drag them them selves in agriculture.
as our country policy says that this is the country of industries so industries need enough law materials for them to process and all those law materias can be be inceased by agriculture sector.
i have seen many people and companies shifting from there countries and coming here just to envest in agricultutre sector because there is an oppotuinty.
i would also taje this chance to incouladge ma fellow youth that they should drag them selves in agriculture am sure they wonyt reglate.
also i would like to take this cahnce to welcome other compones and people from different countries to come and envest too.
still more effort is needed to improve agriculture sector in our country to improve standard of life for many tanzanians families..